Trump’s Pick for ‘Drug Czar’ — A Servant of Big Pharma and Brutal Punisher of Drug Addicts and Poor People in Developing Countries

‘President Trump will name Pennsylvania Congressman Tom Marino (R) to head the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP—the drug czar’s office), CBS News reported Tuesday. Marino’s legacy of legislative achievements around drug policy, however, raise serious questions about whether he is the right choice.
The White House had no official comment Tuesday, but sources told CBS News Marino is in the final stages of completing his paperwork and an official announcement would come soon. Marino’s office had no comment.
Marino is a former prosecutor now in his third term in the House, and will step down from the Congress to take up his new position. His rural congressional district has seen rising concern about heroin and opioids, and he serves on the House bipartisan committee combating the opioid epidemic.’
Read more: Trump’s Pick for ‘Drug Czar’ — A Servant of Big Pharma and Brutal Punisher of Drug Addicts and Poor People in Developing Countries

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