Turkey sacks about 4,000 officials as part of post-coup crackdown

‘Turkey has sacked around 4,000 public officials and banned televised dating programs as part of its crackdown on people alleged to be linked to last year’s failed coup.
On Saturday, Turkey’s Justice Ministry released a decree with the names of 3,975 dismissed officials, 1,000 of whom formerly worked for the ministry and 1,000 others were employed by the army.
Some 100 pilots were among sacked army personnel, while the names of about 500 state-employed academics were also included in the decree.
The move comes just days after Turkey suspended over 9,000 members of the country’s police force and sacked 1,000 people for alleged links to US-based cleric, Fethullah Gulen, who Ankara claims orchestrated last year’s failed putsch.’
Read more: Turkey sacks about 4,000 officials as part of post-coup crackdown

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