Twitter censors all searches for ‘cannabis’ to protect profits of Big Pharma … then reverses decision after massive backlash

‘America has a choice to make. We have reached a point where the modern day push for safe spaces and Internet censorship is no longer compatible with the freedom of speech as outlined in the Constitution. Based on this harsh reality, we must choose between two radically different paths. Either we embrace our heritage and uphold the right to speak freely without excessive regulation or scrutiny, or we continue to look for ways to silence speech based on certain political agendas. Considering the endless push to combat “fake news,” and considering the increasing amount of regulation on social media, it would seem that our choice has already been made.
Believe it or not, Twitter used to brand itself as the “free speech wing of the free speech party.” This is ironic, because since then the social media giant has built up hostility towards conservative users while at the same time aligning itself with a left wing doctrine.’
Read more: Twitter censors all searches for ‘cannabis’ to protect profits of Big Pharma … then reverses decision after massive backlash

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