‘Typical hatchet job!’ Twitter fumes over ‘BIASED’ Panorama probe into funding of Le Pen

‘The BBC has been blasted by furious Twitter users after it aired its latest Panorama documentary looking into the funding of Marine Le Pen’s presidential campaign.
The episode explored the Front National leader’s alleged links to far-right groups, Russian financiers and rerelationship with Vladimir Putin.
One of those interviewed by reporter Gabriel Gatehouse was Ms Le Pen’s former foreign affairs advisor Aymeric Chauprade.
The MEP said: “We are not talking about classical conservative ideas, we are talking about very radical ideas.”
He spoke of the presidential hopeful’s “secret cabinet”. He said: “Anti-Semitism, it’s clear, [it’s] obsessed by the Jewish power – very anti-Semitic.’
Read more: ‘Typical hatchet job!’ Twitter fumes over ‘BIASED’ Panorama probe into funding of Le Pen

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