UK-trained doctor hailed a hero for treating gas attack victims in Syria stood trial on terror offences ‘and belonged to the group that kidnapped British reporter John Cantlie’

‘A UK-trained doctor, who was hailed a hero for treating gas attack victims in Syria, stood trial on terror offences and allegedly belonged to the group that kidnapped British journalist John Cantlie.
At least 86 people, including 20 children, died in Tuesday’s attack on a rebel-held town in Idlib province. Dozens more were left gasping for air, convulsing and foaming at the mouth.
Dr Shajul Islam, from East London, published a video of the patients on his Twitter account after the attack. He said his hospital took care of three victims all with narrow, pinpoint pupils that did not respond to light.
The University of London graduate was arrested and charged with kidnapping two journalists – Mr Cantlie and Dutch reporter Jeroen Oerlemans – in 2012 but was released after the trial collapsed when neither of the prosecution’s witnesses were able to give evidence.’
Read more: UK-trained doctor hailed a hero for treating gas attack victims in Syria stood trial on terror offences ‘and belonged to the group that kidnapped British reporter John Cantlie’

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