Unbelievable: One Chicago Cop Accused of Framing 51 People for Murder

‘Horrific acts of Chicago Police Department brutality, from killings to racial profiling to harassment of youth, do not spring from a few bad apples alone. Mounting evidence from city residents, grassroots organizations like We Charge Genocide and even the Department of Justice shows that the problem is system-wide, extending from streets to courts to jail cells and condoned by the chain of command, all the way up to the mayor’s office.
However, focusing on the bad behavior of individual cops, and examining how the system responds, can be instructive.
That’s what journalist Melissa Segura does in her deep-dive investigation for Buzzfeed News with the story of Chicago detective Reynaldo Guevara, who is accused of framing dozens of people for murder and harming many more.’
Read more: Unbelievable: One Chicago Cop Accused of Framing 51 People for Murder

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