‘US was not attacked’: Strike on Syria divides US lawmakers in both parties

‘Members of Congress are split on the question of whether President Donald Trump’s ordered Tomahawk missile strikes against a Syrian airbase were in accordance with US law. Lines drawn on the issue did not follow the pattern of partisanship often seen in Washington, DC.
The US airstrikes on the Shayrat Air Base in Homs, Syria, on Thursday evening prompted Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) to take to Twitter to criticize the US escalation in the region, not only as a strategic error, but an act that failed to meet the standard set in the US Constitution that makes Congress responsible for declaring war.
Senator Paul has long made his opposition to US intervention in Syria clear, even after Tuesday’s chemical gas attack near Idlib, Syria, which left dozens of Syrian civilians dead, including dozens of children.’
Read more: ‘US was not attacked’: Strike on Syria divides US lawmakers in both parties

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