Venezuela slams anti-Caracas OAS meeting as ‘coup d’etat’

‘Venezuela has decried a meeting of the Organization of American States (OAS) as a “coup d’etat” on the situation in the Latin American state, with Caracas’ envoy storming out of the 34-nation regional body’s session in a show of protest.
Samuel Moncada, Venezuela’s deputy minister of foreign affairs for North America, rejected a resolution adopted at the Monday meeting, which condemned the developments in his country as an “act of treason.”
“The convening of this meeting is illegal. We reject it and denounce it to the whole world. This is a coup d’etat right here in the OAS,” Moncada said.
Some 20 countries of the 34-nation bloc, including the United States, had called for Monday’s meeting of the OAS Permanent Council at the weekend.
AS Secretary General Luis Almagro has already urged the expulsion of Venezuela from the group.’
Read more: Venezuela slams anti-Caracas OAS meeting as ‘coup d’etat’

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