We Really Do Care for One Another

‘Sometimes what a community or a nation is at heart seems to be reflected in the grim side of the daily news. But underneath what the public often sees and the media reports may well be another reality. The realization that this less obvious aspect of life in America exists has recently dawned on me unexpectedly.
For several months I have had a physical problem that makes walking difficult. So I use a four-wheel walker to get around outdoors and a cane to navigate indoors. While my wife takes her role as my primary caregiver very seriously, and among other things, keeps me at disciplined regular exercise, my friends and other members of our community are always ready to do for me what they sense I need. Not willing to lose my independence, I have laid down a rule: I want to do for myself whatever I can do, and will ask for help doing the things I cannot.’
Read more: We Really Do Care for One Another

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