‘We’ll try to bring patients back to life’: Surgeon plans to ‘revive’ frozen human brains by 2020

‘The first human head transplant will take place in less than a year, to be followed by the world’s first transplantation of a cryogenically preserved brain in three years’ time. That’s according to ambitious neurosurgeon, Sergio Canavero.
The Italian doctor shared the preliminary timetable after announcing to the world four years ago that he was planning the first transplant of a human head.
Canavero told German magazine Ooom that the procedure will take place in China in ten months. He also confirmed that the first head transplant patient would be Chinese, and not Russian Valery Spiridonov, as previously expected.
Spiridonov, who suffers from the extremely rare, progressive Werdnig-Hoffmann disease, made headlines when he volunteered for the life changing operation.’
Read more: ‘We’ll try to bring patients back to life’: Surgeon plans to ‘revive’ frozen human brains by 2020

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