WW3 FEARS: North Korea to complete lethal nuclear submarine missile system SOON, UN warns

‘The hermit kingdom has made “rapid technological developments” which will provide Kim Jong-un with a broad range of attacking options. The UN report claims the nuclear system has been developed so the missiles will sustain a stable and smooth ejection from the submarine
The report said: “Rapid technological developments have taken place over a short period, resulting in significant progress towards an operational submarine-launched ballistic missile system.
“The shift from liquid to a solid-fuel engine for the KN-11 is a major technological development, affording greater stability, quicker preparation and longer fuel storage.
“These improvements are notable given that this vessel will likely serve as the basis for future submarine-launched ballistic missile submarines with multiple tubes.”’

Read More: WW3 FEARS: North Korea to complete lethal nuclear submarine missile system SOON, UN warns

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WW3 FEARS: North Korea to complete lethal nuclear submarine missile system SOON, UN warns

‘The hermit kingdom has made “rapid technological developments” which will provide Kim Jong-un with a broad range of attacking options. The UN report claims the nuclear system has been developed so the missiles will sustain a stable and smooth ejection from the submarine
The report said: “Rapid technological developments have taken place over a short period, resulting in significant progress towards an operational submarine-launched ballistic missile system.
“The shift from liquid to a solid-fuel engine for the KN-11 is a major technological development, affording greater stability, quicker preparation and longer fuel storage.
“These improvements are notable given that this vessel will likely serve as the basis for future submarine-launched ballistic missile submarines with multiple tubes.”’

Read More: WW3 FEARS: North Korea to complete lethal nuclear submarine missile system SOON, UN warns

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