‘Abuse of power’: Photographer detained under terrorism laws for taking pictures of town hall

‘A press photographer detained by police under counterterrorism laws for taking pictures of Hove Town Hall says he is the victim of “abuse of power.”
Eddie Mitchell, who works as a photographer for, among other outlets, the BBC, claims to have been accosted by police officers while taking pictures of the town hall in Hove on England’s south coast.
He was stopped by officers under section 43 of the Terrorism Act as he took pictures. Section 43 allows a police officer to stop and search anyone “he reasonably suspects to be a terrorist.”
“I respect wholeheartedly that the police have a job to do but there should be clarity on people taking pictures in a public place – it is not a crime… As far as I am concerned, it is a total misuse and abuse of power,” Mitchell told the Guardian.
Police say Mitchell was detained and his camera checked because he refused to give his details.’
Read more: ‘Abuse of power’: Photographer detained under terrorism laws for taking pictures of town hall

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