Arrival (2016) – The Film’s Secret Meaning Explained

‘Words, or logoi, form the basis of all reality. I have written many times and even lectured on the doctrine of St. Maximos the Confessor concerning the archetypal patterns or logoi that form the divine ideas that undergird all reality. All these logoi are one in the Logos, and ultimately give all distinct objects their meaning and unity. The logoi become a unifying, objective metaphysical principle in the divine Person of the Logos. This is why Genesis 1 describes God speaking and creating through His Logos. What is interesting about the recent philosophically-focused science fiction film Arrival is that, while scratching and floundering around in the dark, it hits upon this issue – and predictably provides an incoherent, inconsistent solution, as we will see.’
Read more: Arrival (2016) – The Film’s Secret Meaning Explained

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