Australia’s Smart Meter Hacking Vulnerability Claims

‘Readers ought to consider this article a serendipitous follow-up to my recent column “Are Microwave Industries And Utilities Operating The Way Talcum Powder Makers Obfuscated?”, as I was emailed information from Australia about how smart meters are capable of being hacked into on what would seem like a ‘grand’ scale.
The Canberra [Australia] Times published “3225 smart meters in Canberra vulnerable to hacking” on April 26, 2017 citing Nigel Phair, Director of the Center for Internet Safety at the University of Canberra [1], who warned consumers of the risks they are not aware of associated with smart meters.
Smart meters are defined as AMR and AMI smart meters. The AMR (automatic meter reading) meters send customers’ utility usage back to utilities for billing purposes only with no ‘spying’ capabilities. It’s a “one-way reporting meter.”’
Read more: Australia’s Smart Meter Hacking Vulnerability Claims

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