British Police ‘Trained to Shoot Truck Drivers’ After Berlin and Nice Attacks

‘Firearms officers in England and Wales have been given new orders and training about how to tackle terrorists driving trucks, in the event of the attacks in Berlin and Nice, but marksmen remain worried about the outcome of two investigations into police shootings.
Simon Chesterman, the National Police Chief’s Council lead on armed policing, told reporters recently how tactics had been changed after Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel killed 86 people with a truck in France and Anis Amri mowed down 12 people at a Christmas market in Berlin.
Chesterman said previously firearms officers had been advised not to shoot at criminals when they were behind the wheel, because of fears they would lose control of their vehicles and cause greater casualties. But now they were under orders to “take out” drivers who posed a threat.’
Read more: British Police ‘Trained to Shoot Truck Drivers’ After Berlin and Nice Attacks

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