Children left at risk of abuse as social services turn a blind eye to underage sex: Damning report says focus on preventing pregnancy and diseases is leaving under-16s vulnerable

‘Children are at risk of abuse because underage sex is now seen as a ‘normal part of growing up’, a damning report warns.
Health and social workers are prioritising the prevention of underage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, meaning sex among under-16s is unchallenged, the Family Education Trust claims.
It says an ‘expectation’ that all under-16s will be sexually active has left them vulnerable to exploitation, because questions are not asked about their partners.
Its research follows scandals in which troubled young girls have been groomed and exploited by older men after being let down by police and social services.’
Read more: Children left at risk of abuse as social services turn a blind eye to underage sex: Damning report says focus on preventing pregnancy and diseases is leaving under-16s vulnerable

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