Delta staff ‘tell California couple they could be jailed and lose their children if their son, two, doesn’t give up his seat’ as they are ejected from flight in row over overbooking

A California couple were told they’d be sent to jail if they did not give up their two-year-old son’s seat on a Delta flight, they have claimed.
Brian and Brittany Schear allege they were also told their children would be taken from them, and have now demanded an apology.
It is the latest controversy around overbooked flights in the US.
Mr Schear claims a member of airline staff told him: ‘You have to give up the seat or you’re going to jail, your wife is going to jail and they’ll take your kids from you.’

Read more: Delta staff ‘tell California couple they could be jailed and lose their children if their son, two, doesn’t give up his seat’ as they are ejected from flight in row over overbooking 

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