Do parallel universes exist? Gravitational waves could be the key to discovering an extra dimension

‘The existence of parallel universes has long been one of the biggest mysteries of the universe.
Now, scientists believe they have found a way to some day detect hidden dimensions.
Physicists think that unknown dimensions could cause ripples through reality by modifying gravitational waves – changes in the space-time fabric.
And since gravity is likely to occupy all dimensions that exist, its waves are a promising way to detect unknown dimensions.
While we are aware of the three dimensions that surround us on a daily basis – length, width and depth – physicists have long believed that there may be more.
In the hopes of understanding whether another dimension does exist, researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics in Potsdam are looking at gravitational waves – ripples in space-time, caused by the motion of massive objects.’
Read more: Do parallel universes exist? Gravitational waves could be the key to discovering an extra dimension

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