Donald Trump team furious after ABC, CBS and NBC refuse to run ‘fake news’ election campaign ad

‘A host of US television networks have refused to run advert celebrating Donald Trump’s first 100 days in office was not aired by ABC, CBS, NBC, following CNN’s refusal to do so.
ABC, CBS and NBC have joined CNN in declining to show the commercial, which features a graphic of the President’s supposed accomplishments and blames the “fake news” media for not reporting on it. The faces of news anchors from major networks were superimposed over the the words ‘Fake News’.
Four journalists were used in the graphic: Andrea Mitchell of NBC, Scott Pelley of CBS, George Stephanopoulos of ABC, Wolf Blitzer of CNN and Rachel Maddow of MSNBC.
A spokesperson for ABC told The Independent:”We rejected the ad because it did not meet our guidelines. We have previously accepted Trump ads and are open to doing so in the future.”
In a statement, CNN defended the network’s decision by stating that mainstream media is not “fake news” and therefore the ad is “false”.’

Read more: Donald Trump team furious after ABC, CBS and NBC refuse to run ‘fake news’ election campaign ad

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