€100bn Brexit bill is ‘legally impossible’ to enforce, European Commission’s own lawyers admit

‘A massive €100bn Brexit bill is ‘legally impossible’ to enforce, the European Commission’s own lawyers have admitted.
The Telegraph has seen minutes of internal deliberations circulated by Brussels’ own Brexit negotiating team which had warned against pursuing the UK for extra payments.
But member states appear to have ignored the Commission’s own advice by demanding €100bn from the Government – a sharp hike in the original demand of €60bn.
The inflated bill deepened the rift between Brussels and Downing Street. A leaked report of a Downing Street dinner with European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker accused Theresa May of living in “another galaxy”, prompting the Prime Minister in turn to accuse EU politicians and officials of seeking to disrupt the general election.’
Read more: €100bn Brexit bill is ‘legally impossible’ to enforce, European Commission’s own lawyers admit

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