Egypt sentence Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Badie to life

‘An Egyptian court has sentenced the Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Badie and two other members of the outlawed movement to life in prison over their alleged role in protests following the 2013 ouster of the country’s first democratically-elected president, Mohamed Morsi.
Judicial officials and and defense lawyer Abdel Moneim Abdel Maksoud said on Monday that the court condemned Badie to a life term along with Mahmoud Ghozlan, a Brotherhood spokesman, and Hossam Abubakr,a member of its guidance bureau.
They were given life sentences in retrial for “planning violent attacks” which followed the July 2013 military-led ouster of Morsi. They had been part of a group of people accused of conspiring to stir unrest during protests.
In April 2015, Badie, along with 13 other defendants, was sentenced to death while 37 others were sentenced to life in prison for setting up an “operation room” at a protest camp supporting Morsi in Cairo’s Rabaa Al-Adawiya area in the summer of 2013.’
Read more: Egypt sentence Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Badie to life

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