Federal Suit Hits Soros For $10 Billion For ‘Political Meddling…Motivated Solely By Malice’

‘Billionaire globalist and altogether controversial figure, George Soros, is now the subject of a $10 billion lawsuit accusing him of being a “racketeer billionaire” for meddling in the affairs of a sovereign African nation — purely for personal reasons — in what critics say typifies his modus operandi.
For those who skimmed that first sentence, yes, that’s Billion — with an emphatic capital “B.”
FOX News reports the 86-year-old financier and manager of a global network of nonprofits will be forced by BSG Resources’ lawsuit to answer for manipulating the politics and economics of Guinea for his own benefit.
“Soros was motivated solely by malice,” BSGR states in the suit, “as there was no economic interest he had in Guinea.”’
Read more: Federal Suit Hits Soros For $10 Billion For ‘Political Meddling…Motivated Solely By Malice’

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