Firestorm of Condemnation Hits White House Over Comey Firing; Official Explanations Are Absurd Pretexts, While Sabotage of Russiagate Investigation Appears as Main Goal

United Front Against Austerity|Tax Wall Street Party American System Network|Wednesday, May 10, 2017 Context Includes Comey’s Request for More Resources for Expanded Probe, Involvement of Treasury’s Financial Crimes Unit, and Russiagate Federal Grand Jury in Alexandria Virginia; FBI Insiders Enraged by Humiliation of Bureau by Surprise Ouster; Firing Parallels Nixon’s October 1973 Saturday Night Massacre, […]

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Firestorm of Condemnation Hits White House Over Comey Firing; Official Explanations Are Absurd Pretexts, While Sabotage of Russiagate Investigation Appears as Main Goal

United Front Against Austerity|Tax Wall Street Party American System Network|Wednesday, May 10, 2017 Context Includes Comey’s Request for More Resources for Expanded Probe, Involvement of Treasury’s Financial Crimes Unit, and Russiagate Federal Grand Jury in Alexandria Virginia; FBI Insiders Enraged by Humiliation of Bureau by Surprise Ouster; Firing Parallels Nixon’s October 1973 Saturday Night Massacre, […]

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