Fox hunting campaigners ‘plotting to use Tory landslide to repeal ban’

‘Pro-fox hunting campaigners are plotting to use a predicted Conservative landslide at the general election to repeal a 2004 ban of the blood sport, according to a report.
Tory Lord Mancroft, chairman of the Council of Hunting Associations, described the 8 June vote as “the chance we have been waiting for” to overturn the ban, according to an email seen by the Daily Mirror.
He said a sizeable majority for Theresa May could usher in a new era for fox hunting and a vote on the issue could be scheduled for as early as this year.
“A majority of 50 or more would give us a real opportunity for repeal of the Hunting Act,” he said.’
Read more: Fox hunting campaigners ‘plotting to use Tory landslide to repeal ban’

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