French election results: Emmanuel Macron says France facing ‘immense task’ to rebuild European unity as he defeats Marine Le Pen

‘Emmanuel Macron was elected France’s youngest head of state since Napoleon last night after beating his far-Right rival Marine Le Pen in an 
emphatic result that will have far-reaching consequences for Brexit and Europe.
Projections gave 39-year-old Mr Macron almost two thirds of the vote, showing a clear path to the Élysée Palace for the pro-EU centrist who was a political unknown until three years ago and has never held elected office.
Addressing the nation, a sober Mr Macron immediately reached across the divide to Le Pen voters, saying he heard the “anger, anxiety and doubts” that many had expressed.
But he did not shy away from his internationalist, pro-EU agenda, saying: “I will defend Europe; it is our civilisation which is at stake…I will work to rebuild ties between Europe and its citizens.”
Later Mr Macron took the stage to the strains of Beethoven’s Ode to Joy, the European Union anthem, in the courtyard of the Louvre museum.’
Read more: French election results: Emmanuel Macron says France facing ‘immense task’ to rebuild European unity as he defeats Marine Le Pen

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