How Not to Be a Digital Slave of the Deep State

‘Catherine Austin Fitts, former US Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (under both Bush Sr. and Clinton), has some interesting insights about the possible futures which face us as a world population. Among her warnings are that the deep state would like to make us slaves via advanced digital technology. Some might call this artificial or augmented intelligence (AI).
It starts with the current war scenario. We can be certain that the war drums being pounded now are an orchestration by the deep state’s usual players.
Fitts says that the powers that be are “composting the United States” to save the Empire, by squeezing the middle class, and sending their resources elsewhere. The global elite will always try to save themselves. The U.S. is expendable, as is any other country. The good news though, is that Fitts says that they are in complete delusion.
As Fitts explains, the elite keep “extracting equity” from the “deplorable class,” while they are “harvesting” them and destroying them. As most anyone with two bits of intelligence understands, if you keep taking equity out of an investment, and never replenish it, it will eventually become worthless.’
Read more: How Not to Be a Digital Slave of the Deep State

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