Hungary Demands ‘Coward’ EU Vice-President Resign After He Brands Criticism of Soros ‘Anti-Semitic’

‘Hungary has demanded the resignation of the European Commission’s First Vice-president, Frans Timmermans, after he branded Prime Minister Viktor Orbán an anti-Semite for criticising billionaire mass immigration campaigner George Soros.
In a fiery address to the European Parliament in April 2017, the Hungarian leader accused Soros of “ruining the lives of millions of European with his financial speculations”.
The financier is best known in the United Kingdom as “the man who broke the Bank of England”, having raked in one and a half billion dollars from betting heavily against sterling in 1992.
Ten years later he was fined 2.2 million euros by a French court after being found guilty of insider trading, using confidential information to reap profits from formerly public-owned companies.
Nonetheless, former Dutch foreign minister Timmermans told the German liberal newspaper Die Zeit that he agreed the comments were “anti-semitic” and claimed to have been “appalled” by them.’
Read more: Hungary Demands ‘Coward’ EU Vice-President Resign After He Brands Criticism of Soros ‘Anti-Semitic’

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