‘I’ll stay leader’: Jeremy Corbyn says he won’t quit even if Labour loses the General Election

‘Jeremy Corbyn has declared that he will not quit as the leader of the Labour Party even if they lose the upcoming General Election.
The 67-year-old said that he is ‘serious’ about winning the election on June 8 and vowed to continuing ‘fighting a campaign to win’.
Speaking with Buzzfeed, he made it clear that he will remain in the job that he started in September 2015, regardless of next month’s result.
Experts and polls suggest that the Conservatives, led by Prime Minister Theresa May, will win the snap election by a landslide.
However, Corbyn chose to highlight that he has travelled up and down the country to try and win votes.’
Read more: ‘I’ll stay leader’: Jeremy Corbyn says he won’t quit even if Labour loses the General Election

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