International Banker Blows Whistle, Admits He Was Ordered to Sacrifice Children at Parties for the Elite

‘Ronald Bernard is a Dutch entrepreneur whose drive and business contacts quickly catapulted him into the world of the financial elite. However, the deeper into this world Bernard went, the more horrifying it became. In a jaw-dropping interview with De Vrije Media, Bernard details this dark and depraved elite society which he says conducted human sacrifice and celebrated destruction.
To not sound like crazed tinfoil ranting kooks, we will admit that the things Bernard mentions in the interview below sound utterly insane and evil. Indeed, it could be entirely made up. In an effort to vet his credibility, however, the Free Thought Project did some background research on him, and it checks out. He is who he says he is.
Also, Pascal Roussel, a fellow insider of the financial world, wrote in ‘The Divine Trap’ about experiences similar to the ones disclosed by Bernard.
As De Vrije Media notes, when Roussel gave a lecture on his book in France, one of the former French presidents was present. Afterward, this man wrote a letter to Roussel, in which he stated: ‘Everything you write in your book, is based on truth’. The fact that barely anyone believes this truth has more to do with the severity of this reality and the successful ‘conspiracy’ labeling introduced by the CIA, which makes it very difficult to be taken seriously by mainstream ‘sensible’ people.’

Read more: International Banker Blows Whistle, Admits He Was Ordered to Sacrifice Children at Parties for the Elite

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