Is France’s Fifth Republic About to Marry Macron? A Proxy for Globalist Forces

‘Something that was originally conceived as a grandiose pageant of political marketing will come to a conclusion next Sunday in France. A young man with an evident Oedipus complex who has never held a single elected office and who was almost unknown just three years ago is now preparing to fill the seat once occupied by Georges Clémenceau and Charles de Gaulle in the Élysée Palace.
Although it went unnoticed by the public, his campaign actually began back in June 2014. That was when Jacques Attali, the recognized “éminence grise” of the Fifth Republic, first introduced his young protégé, at a Bilderberg Club meeting in Copenhagen. Back then, the latter was serving as the deputy secretary general to the president of France. But given President Hollande’s dismal approval ratings at the time, he was advised to distance himself from his boss, which he did, resigning 10 days after returning from Denmark.
By that August, owing to a government crisis, Macron ended up as the economy minister for a period of 24 months, during which he was best remembered for having underpriced the powerhouse of the French high-tech industry, Alstom, when it was sold to General Electric, as well as for a string of scandals over the misappropriation of government funds and for forcing through an odious law written at Attali’s behest called “Equality of Economic Opportunities” (an innocent-enough sounding name for what was actually a crackdown on labor laws – and legislated by a nominally “socialist” government!)’
Read more: Is France’s Fifth Republic About to Marry Macron? A Proxy for Globalist Forces

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