Israeli Intelligence Minister: Trump Should Recognize Golan Heights As Indivisible Part of Israel

‘The Trump administration should formally recognize the Golan Heights as sovereign Israeli territory, especially in light of the ongoing war in Syria, Transportation and Intelligence Minister Israel Katz said Sunday.
Katz, who made his remarks at the Jerusalem Post Annual Conference in New York, proposed a five-point memorandum between Israel and the U.S. on the Syrian civil war and its impact on the Jewish state’s security.
Apart from recognizing the Golan Heights as an indivisible part of Israel, Katz called for both countries to adopt a policy opposing any permanent Iranian military presence in Syria and Lebanon. In addition, Katz’s proposal would see further sanctions imposed on Iran if it does not stop supporting terror organizations in the area, such as Hezbollah. Hezbollah itself would also be subject to heavy sanctions according to Katz’s plan.
“There will not be stability in the region until Iran is pushed back, and weapons transfers are stopped,” the minister said.’
Read more: Israeli Intelligence Minister: Trump Should Recognize Golan Heights As Indivisible Part of Israel

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