Israel’s Outrage Du Jour: Denying Palestinian Boy Terror Victim’s Rights After He Survived Incineration of His Family

‘Yesterday brought not one outrage du jour, but two from Israel. Defense minister Avigdor Lieberman denied 8 year-old Ahmed Dawabshe’s application for the official compensation offered all Israeli Jewish terror victims. The little boy’s father, mother and baby brother were all burned to death by Jewish settler terrorists. The attackers haven’t even been tried yet for their crimes though it is nearly two years since the crime.
Lieberman claimed Israel could not recognize Dawabsheh as a terror victim because he’s not an Israeli citizen. Note, that the Jewish settlers who incinerated both his parents and baby brother live right next door to him in the occupied West Bank and are Israeli citizens. Yet he is not and so is denied.
Israel further insulted the victim by presenting the PA with a $250,000 medical bill for Ahmed’s care. Palestinians were outraged at this effrontery, claiming Israel was charging Ahmed for his own care. Israeli authorities then tried sophistry. They hadn’t presented any bill to Ahmed. The world was supposed to interpret that as Israel presented no bill to anyone, which was a lie.’
Read more: Israel’s Outrage Du Jour: Denying Palestinian Boy Terror Victim’s Rights After He Survived Incineration of His Family

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