Kurds eye one-third of Syria with US support: Report

‘A Kurdish official has revealed plans to enlarge the territory held by Kurds in northern Syria with US support, under which the Daesh stronghold of Raqqah would be annexed to the self-proclaimed Rojava region.
The scheme includes linking the self-proclaimed territory to the Mediterranean Sea, the person in charge of the project Hediya Yousef told British daily The Observer in an interview on Saturday.
“Arriving at the Mediterranean Sea is in our project for northern Syria, it’s a legal right for us to reach the Mediterranean,” Yousef said.
The so-called Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a 50,000-strong collection of Kurds, is preparing to occupy Raqqah before pushing deeper along the Euphrates valley and seizing the city of Dayr al–Zawr, the report said.’
Read more: Kurds eye one-third of Syria with US support: Report

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