Labour draft election manifesto leaked: Jeremy Corbyn to renationalise Royal Mail and pledge £6billion a year for NHS

‘Labour will pledge to renationalise the railways and Royal Mail, spend an extra £6bn-a-year on the NHS and abolish university tuition fees alongside the bedroom tax, according to a leaked draft copy of its election manifesto.
The 43 page manifesto – due to be published in full next week – will be considered at a meeting of Labour’s National Executive Committee (NEC) on Thursday before being finalised and distributed to voters. The leak of the document, drafted by Jeremy Corbyn’s policy chief Andrew Fisher, will likely infuriate the leader’s inner-circle.
According to two newspapers, the party, should Mr Corbyn be elected as Prime Minister on 8 June, will re-nationalise energy firms, railways, bus companies and the Royal Mail, which was fully privatised at the end of 2015. The manifesto describes this as a “historic mistake”.’
Read more: Labour draft election manifesto leaked: Jeremy Corbyn to renationalise Royal Mail and pledge £6billion a year for NHS

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