Last hearing held in case of Emirati princesses over inhumane behavior, trafficking

‘Eight Emirati princesses, a mother and her seven daughters, are being tried at a court in Belgium for suspected inhumane treatment of servants and human trafficking in a long-running court case of potentially dire consequences for the royalty.
The last hearing in the case took place in the Belgian capital of Brussels on Friday.
The prosecution is trying to establish whether Sheikha Hamda Al Nahyan and her daughters had abused their servants, whom they had brought along, while staying at a luxury hotel in the Belgian capital for some months back in 2008.
At the time, Belgian police raided the hotel on a tip from one of the servants, who had managed to run.
The Emirati royals face accusations of “inhumane” treatment because they reportedly subjected some 20 female servants to pander to their desires for long stretches of time, sometimes lasting 24 hours a day, for little or no money. They are also accused of not allowing the maids enough food, forcing them to eat off their leftovers, and not allowing them to sleep on beds.’
Read more: Last hearing held in case of Emirati princesses over inhumane behavior, trafficking

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