‘Like terrorist attack or hosting Olympics’: UK braces for election cyberattacks – report

‘British cybersecurity experts are reportedly on high alert to prevent cyberattacks targeting the UK’s upcoming snap elections. They are prepared to respond on a level similar to that seen during a terrorist attack or other major security event.
Specialists working at the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) were “stood up” over the past week and are ready to “surge” into action in case of a cyberattack on British democratic institutions, according to the Sunday Times. The center is part of the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), Britain’s signal intelligence agency.
The high alert was requested by PM Theresa May’s office, which asked the spy agency to make snap elections in June a top priority.
“The tempo has been lifted in the last week to a level that it would be lifted to when combating a terrorist attack or protecting a major national event like the Olympics,” the Times cited a senior Whitehall source as saying.’
Read more: ‘Like terrorist attack or hosting Olympics’: UK braces for election cyberattacks – report

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