Mainstream media pushing malaria vaccine while refusing to mention that wormwood herb has a 100% cure rate – claim

‘Though there is a natural cure for malaria that has been used to successfully treat this disease in the Amazon, China and Africa for thousands of years, it is not this cure that is making headlines internationally, but rather a vaccine produced by GlaxoSmithKline that will be tested in Malawi, Kenya and Ghana in 2018.
The vaccine will be tested on over 120,000 infected children between the ages of 5 and 17 months – the age group most affected by malaria. The World Health Organization (WHO) is claiming that this vaccine will save tens of thousands of lives, reducing the incidence of malaria in this age group by 40 percent, reducing the number of severely affected patients by a third, and lowering the number of complications resulting in hospitalization and other interventions significantly.
There is no denying that malaria is a devastating disease. Over 212 million people are infected each year, and for close to half a million of them – mostly children – it proves to be fatal.’
Read more: Mainstream media pushing malaria vaccine while refusing to mention that wormwood herb has a 100% cure rate – claim

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