Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron both go on the attack in final French presidential debate

‘Emmanuel Macron accused Marine Le Pen of wanting to drag France into “a civil war” in a highly aggressive TV debate ahead of Sunday’s second-round runoff on Wednesday night.
“You talk rubbish”, “liar”, “parasite”, “you play with their anger”, the mud was flying in all directions and the two presenters were totally overwhelmed most of the time.
Trailing her centrist rival by around 19 percentage points in voter intentions, it was Ms Le Pen who set the vicious tone of the two and a half hour face-off in a bid to sway several million viewers to plump for her.
Dubbing him a “junior” François Hollande and the candidate of wild globalisation, Ms Le Pen said: “Your cynical choices and the shameful use of campaign arguments have revealed the coldness of the investment banker that you never stopped being.”
“The studious smile has morphed into a smirk…and the darling child of the system and elites has removed his mask,” she said.’
Read more: Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron both go on the attack in final French presidential debate

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