Marine Le Pen will RENAME her National Front party as she vows to carry on fighting ‘the globalists’

‘Marine Le Pen has vowed to carry on leading the fight against ‘the globalists’ by gathering together all those who ‘choose France first’.
But she said the name of her party Front National will have to change as she aims to carve out a new political force.
Le Pen delivered her concession speech less than 15 minutes after official exit polls confirmed her devastating defeat to Europhile Emmanuel Macron by 65 per cent to 35 per cent.
Speaking to an audience of party officials and close aides she said she would create a new force in French politics pitting ‘patriots against globalists’.
She said: ‘The Front National must renew itself to be up to this historic opportunity and to meet the expectations of the French people.’
Read more: Marine Le Pen will RENAME her National Front party as she vows to carry on fighting ‘the globalists’

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