Millenials Behaving Badly

The millennial generation are not to blame for their entitled and self-aggrandising behaviour – that’s the fault of their parents and upbringing.

What the millennials can do, however, is to adapt their behaviour and modify their instincts to get on and progress in the workplace.

So, Generation Y, I present you with some immediate suggestions and improvements you can make, starting today.

Know your place!

You may have been captain of the rugby team at school, a pretty big deal with your university’s social committee; your parents may be oozing with pride for you, but, millennials, when you join a firm in a graduate position you are bottom of the pile.

Get used to it or get out.

Time to buy old US gold coins

You’ll rise through the ranks in due course, but do not enter the work environment thinking or behaving like you are still a BNOC. You need to start over and prove yourself from scratch.

Sorry, it’s not all about you.

Face time

The millennial generation have grown up with technology at their fingertips and are skilfully adept at holding conversations via Whatsapp, iMessage and email. When it comes to interfacing with human beings in the flesh, where communiques from one’s lips cannot be edited before emitting, they struggle.

To truly excel above the (hopefully) friendly competition of your peers know when to turn off the buzzing mobile and step away from the slavish keyboard.

Want to make your clients feel special and wanted? Ring them to arrange your next meeting, send a hand-written thank you note after you attend one of their events, and don’t look at your phone once when you get together.

Even if they pop out quickly, when they return they should see you looking at your written notes that relate to their business and still mentally tuned to the meeting, not scrolling through emails.

Shake it off

How many of the top tier of business men and women – even your own firm’s CEO – swan in to the first meeting of the day with their takeaway designer coffee or healthy green shake they’ve just picked up to power-up their morning? None.

These props add no cachet and mean nothing to non-millennials – they just think you’re a fairly tedious poseur.

Stop messing about!

Fancy pranking your colleague and filming it for your Instagram or Snapchat story? Sounds fun, right? Yes, it does. If only someone was paying you to do that. Thing is, there aren’t. They are paying you to work.

Do not succumb to using the workplace to fuel the amusement of your social media followers with unprofessional antics.

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The post Millenials Behaving Badly appeared first on LewRockwell.

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