More than half of young people in Ireland ‘would join a mass uprising against the government

‘A mass uprising against the Irish government would be joined by more than half of young people in the country, a survey has indicated.
Fifty four per cent of 18 – 34-year-olds said they would take part in a “large scale uprising against the generation in power if it happened in the next days or months”.
The survey polled nearly 20,000 people in Ireland as part of the European Broadcasting Union’s Generation What? research.
It showed that 36 per cent viewed politicians as corrupt, while 40 per cent said they were partly corrupt. Forty five per cent said they didn’t trust politics “at all”.
However, 25 per cent said very few politicians were corrupt, a figure lower than most of those in the same generation who were surveyed in 14 other countries.’

Read more: More than half of young people in Ireland ‘would join a mass uprising against the government

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