North Korea could be preparing an EMP strike on the US with two satellites already orbiting above America, expert warns

‘North Korea could be preparing an electromagnetic pulse strike on the US with two satellites already orbiting above America, experts have warned.
There are fears Pyongyang is secretly developing the ability to detonate a high-altitude nuclear weapon in space, setting off an EMP that would knock out electrical systems down below, with catastrophic results.
North Korea has two earth observation satellites launched in 2012 and 2016, each taking about 94 minutes to complete an orbit of the earth.
Dr Peter Vincent Pry, executive director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security in America, warned that North Korea is positioning its satellites in a ‘nuclear missile age, cyberage version’ of battleship diplomacy ‘so that they can always have one of them (satellites) very close to being over the United States or over the United States’.’
Read more: North Korea could be preparing an EMP strike on the US with two satellites already orbiting above America, expert warns 

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