NYC cops bribed with prostitute-filled private jets to offer criminal favors to wealthy businesses

‘As regular readers know, we’re big fans of the police and fully acknowledge that there is just a “thin blue line” that protects our communities from lapsing into deadly chaos. But when those entrusted to serve and protect abuse that trust, we feel obligated to report it.
Such is this case involving a small cabal of New York City Police officers. As reported by Courthouse News Service, a gun-running operation involving NYPD brass has become the latest scandal to envelop the department.
In an investigation that has begun to widen, new charges were leveled this week against a former police lieutenant, an ex-Brooklyn prosecutor and a pair of NYPD officers who stand accused of supplying firearms licenses to a “cottage industry of parasitic profiteers,” according to an indictment unsealed in court in Manhattan.’
Read more: NYC cops bribed with prostitute-filled private jets to offer criminal favors to wealthy businesses

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