Obamacare Was Bad Enough. House Passes ‘Pay or Die Trumpcare’. ‘Medicaid for the Most Vulnerable will be Slashed’

‘Obamacare was bad enough – a deplorable rationing scheme to enrich insurers, drug companies and large hospital chains.
Trumpcare makes things far worse. Family subsidies to help low-income households without employer or VA coverage are slashed to $2,000 – $4,000, largely based on age.
Insurers can charge older Americans up to five times more than younger ones – making coverage, or enough of it, unaffordable for millions not eligible for Medicare.
Medicaid as an open-ended entitlement is ended for the nation’s poor. States will receive allotted amounts of federal funding as a lump-sum block grant with few restrictions – giving them the option of aiding their poor residents or restricting it, perhaps diverting some of the funds for other purposes.
Over the next 10 years, Medicaid for the nation’s most vulnerable will be slashed by $880 billion. Millions of poor households will increasingly be denied vital healthcare when they most need it for expensive treatments.’
Read more: Obamacare Was Bad Enough. House Passes ‘Pay or Die Trumpcare’. ‘Medicaid for the Most Vulnerable will be Slashed’

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