One Week Before the Beijing Summit, The World Orients Towards China’s Belt and Road Initiative

It is an ironic sign of the times that the Argentine ambassador to China, Diego Guelar, published an article this week, on the eve of the Beijing Belt and Road summit, praising China for becoming the super-power of the 21st century “without firing a single shot.” Guelar reported that China had stepped into its new global role with “responsibility” and “leadership,” and he praised their spectacular economic achievements in poverty reduction, extending longevity, and global infrastructure development.

It was ironic because, until now, the government of Mauricio Macri of Argentina has been a Wall Street darling stridently opposed to cooperation with China, the BRICS, or the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). And it was a sign of the times, because nearly every nation on the planet is now turning in the direction of China and the BRI, with hope for a New Paradigm for humanity.

Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche captured the essence of this strategic opportunity in remarks today:

Ambassador Guelar’s comments are a most fitting example of the current global dynamic, she stated. “That is clearly the trajectory of things, and we should escalate our campaign for the United States to absolutely join with this effort, because it is the only meaningful way in which all of the geopolitical conflicts of the world can be overcome.”

Zepp-LaRouche stressed that, although some positive steps have been taken to defuse various global hot spots, such as the agreement between Russian President Vladimir Putin and America’s Donald Trump to set up four “de-escalation zones” in Syria, “we are by no means out of the danger zone. We should not have any illusions, because things can go wrong very quickly.”

The global financial crisis is top among these imminent dangers. “We are still faced with a potential blowout of the financial system. We still don’t have Glass-Steagall and Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Laws. And we still don’t know what kind of Glass-Steagall is really being discussed” by the Trump administration and others in the U.S.

Nonetheless, “I think we have a very optimistic outlook overall. In one week we have the historic BRI summit in Beijing, and I’m absolutely certain that, as a result, the dynamic of the BRI will become even stronger. It is actually moving in the direction of the New Silk Road becoming the World Land-Bridge,” which is the policy for which the LaRouche movement has been fighting for decades. Zepp-LaRouche stressed the speed with which these strategic changes are happening. “This is all occurring only three and a half years after the New Silk Road policy was first pronounced by Chinese President Xi Jinping. And if you think of the speed at which this dynamic has taken hold globally, it is quite breathtaking.”

Zepp-LaRouche then addressed the central strategic question of the relationship of the United States to this emerging New Paradigm. “It would be the absolutely natural continuation of these last three years, to include the U.S. in the Belt and Road Initiative, to include Europe, and develop every landlocked area of the planet and uplift every human being living on this Earth from poverty. In this way we can really start to define the common aims of mankind, to develop the community of the joint future for civilization, and to start tackling those problems which are really worth tackling: namely building settlements on the Moon; developing a better understanding about the laws of the universe; finding solutions for incurable diseases.

“We have all kinds of fantastic projects to carry out, working together as one human species. And why should that not be possible? Let us really go forward optimistically to bring about the breakthroughs which are absolutely necessary.”

Zepp-LaRouche stressed that the American people are not as divided as the mass media would have everyone believe. But “those who disagree with the media-created divisions, should openly step forward and help us to bring the U.S. into the New Paradigm, around the policy ideas presented for decades by Lyndon LaRouche.”

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