Peers urge UK to consider distancing itself from ‘mercurial’ Trump on Middle East policy

‘The UK must fundamentally rethink its approach to the Middle East and potentially distance itself from the United States under the “mercurial and unpredictable” Donald Trump, peers have said.
The British Government should support the Iran nuclear deal, loathed by the Trump White House, and seriously consider recognising Palestine as a state in order to boost the Middle East peace process, the report said.
Mr Trump’s US administration “has the potential to destabilise further the region”, the House of Lords International Relations Committee (IRC) warned.
On Iran and the Israel-Palestine situation, where Mr Trump has abandoned the long-standing commitment to a two-state solution, the report said “the US president has taken positions that are unconstructive and could even escalate conflict”.’
Read more: Peers urge UK to consider distancing itself from ‘mercurial’ Trump on Middle East policy

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