Poverty ‘is damaging the health of four million children’: Doctors warn parents are being forced to dilute milk and skimp on food

‘Impoverished British parents are diluting milk, skimping on food and bringing up their children in damp housing, doctors have warned.
Poverty is having a ‘devastating’ impact on the health of children in the UK, according to a report by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) and Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG).
The document, based on a survey with 250 paediatricians across the UK, found almost half think things are getting worse. Just three doctors said the situation was improving for the children in their care.
Data shows that four million children – or three in 10 – across the UK live in poverty after housing costs are taken into account. This is predicted to rise to five million by the end of the decade.’
Read more: Poverty ‘is damaging the health of four million children’: Doctors warn parents are being forced to dilute milk and skimp on food

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