‘Power Grab’: FCC website hit with 128k anti-net neutrality messages in bot cyberattack

‘After the FCC announced plans to rollback net neutrality regulations, their public comment system was flooded with hundreds of thousands of comments crashing the system. Many of the comments appear to be fake and from a bot.
Two weeks ago, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) chairman Ajit Pai announced plans to reverse net neutrality rules put in place under former President Barack Obama.
The new rules would allow internet service providers (ISPs) to provide “fast lanes” for some users while slowing or even blocking traffic for others. Critics say the rollback could lead to ISPs abusing their power as gatekeepers of the internet.
Last Sunday, John Oliver, host of the HBO show “Last Week Tonight” encouraged his viewers to flood the FCC comment system with messages in opposition to undoing the Obama-era regulations. Oliver had already shut the FCC site down in 2014 by calling on his users to flood the comment system.’
Read more: ‘Power Grab’: FCC website hit with 128k anti-net neutrality messages in bot cyberattack

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