Privatized For-Profit Immigrant Detention Centers Are a ‘Living Nightmare,’ Investigation Shows

‘A new investigation provides a chilling glimpse into the nightmarish conditions in privatized, for-profit immigrant detention centers in the U.S. Migrants fleeing violence and poverty, some of whom have unsuccessfully tried to apply for asylum, are forced to eat rotten food and drink contaminated water. They endure arbitrary solitary confinement, have little or no access to medical care and are denied their rights to legal counsel.
Moreover, to make money to afford extra food or phone calls, many detainees have no option but to work for $1 per day. They are ruthlessly exploited by corporations looking to make a profit.
“Overall, the conditions are prison-like,” a detainee stated bluntly.’
Read more: Privatized For-Profit Immigrant Detention Centers Are a ‘Living Nightmare,’ Investigation Shows

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