Reporter arrested at West Virginia Capitol for ‘asking questions’ to US health secretary

A reporter was arrested at the West Virginia State Capitol for allegedly trying to ask the Health and Human Services secretary a question about the Trump administration’s healthcare plan. Authorities say he “aggressively breached Secret Service agents.”
Dan Heyman, a journalist with 30 years of experience and currently working with Public News Service, said he was arrested on Tuesday for trying to ask Health and Human Services Secretary Tim Price whether domestic violence would be considered a pre-existing condition under the Trump administration’s healthcare plan.
“I waited for him to come into the building, and I was recording audio on my phone, and I reached it out to him, past his staffers and the other people who were with him, and I asked him the question repeatedly and he did not answer,” Heyman said in a press conference following his arrest.
“And at some point I think the Capitol police got an indication… I think they decided I was just too persistent in asking this question and trying to do my job, and so they arrested me.”’
Read more: Reporter arrested at West Virginia Capitol for ‘asking questions’ to US health secretary

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